SAMSA Tackles Gender-Based Violence at Sea: Empowering Seafarers and Promoting Welfare

In December 2024, the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) conducted visits to the Durban and Cape Town ports as part of its ongoing initiative to address Gender-Based Violence (GBV) at sea. This initiative aligns with the 16 Days of Activism Against Women and Children Campaign, a global call to action to eliminate violence against women and children.

The SAMSA team boarded several vessels at the ports to distribute GBV at Sea brochures and engage in meaningful discussions with crew members regarding the various forms of violence and harassment within the maritime sector. These discussions covered a wide range of issues, including sexual harassment, bullying, sexual assault, discrimination, and mental health. SAMSA emphasized that seafarer welfare goes beyond just physical well-being and includes emotional and psychological support for those at sea.

During one of the visits, the team was given a tour of the welfare facilities onboard a vessel. These facilities are vital in improving the lives of seafarers while they are at sea, helping to mitigate the challenges they face. SAMSA recognizes the hardships seafarers and fishers endure, often spending long periods away from their families while working in hazardous and emotionally taxing conditions.

The nature of working at sea can lead to isolation, making seafarers, particularly female and young crew members, more vulnerable to violence and harassment. This isolation, combined with the dangerous and challenging conditions of life at sea, creates an environment where issues like sexual harassment, bullying, and sexual assault can often go unreported.

SAMSA’s Occupational Health, Safety, and Maritime Welfare Unit (OHS & Maritime Welfare Unit) has been instrumental in advancing this important initiative, working alongside key partners such as the Port Chaplains, the Mission to Seafarers, and Transnet National Port Authority (TNPA) Port security. These partnerships help raise awareness and provide resources for seafarers, such as access to rape kits, which are made available to assist survivors of sexual assault.

SAMSA’s dedication to improving the lives of seafarers and tackling the challenges faced by female and other vulnerable groups at sea remains a top priority. The initiative aims to address issues that have often been overlooked and ensure that those working at sea are supported, protected, and treated with the respect they deserve.

SAMSA extends its gratitude to TNPA for their ongoing assistance in facilitating access to the ports and vessels. For more information on the resources available to seafarers, please visit SAMSA Seafarer Welfare Resources.

If you or a colleague experience or witness any incidents of Gender-Based Violence, including harassment, bullying, or sexual assault, please report it to