EMC Successfully Implemented the Welcome to Water program

On 06 December 2022 EMC’s Welcome to water program implemented in partnership with Sail Africa commenced with 37 learners from three different high schools in Durban. This program under the EMC Training and Skills Unit aims to broaden the knowledge of the learner’s view of the Maritime Industry while introducing them to water sports.

Learners from Zwelibanzi High School, Zwelihle High School, and Reunion Secondary School participated in the 4-day program starting from 06 December – 09 December, each learner will gain essential knowledge and skills on sailing, swimming, and the Durban harbour upon completion of the program.

Mr. Sbusiso Zondo EMC’s Training and Skills manager was present to introduce the program to the learners. “EMC is proud to have its 3rd water sports program this year. This is an opportunity that we hope will encourage you to explore the opportunities available in the maritime sector.  The initiative aims to equip those who have been previously disadvantaged will continue and we hope with this program you will leave with a clearer understanding of the Durban harbour’’ said Mr. Zondo in his welcome speech on the first day at Sail Africa

Mr. Siyabonga Mthethwa from Sea Rescue presented water safety demonstrations and water safety rules presented to the learners on the first day which is an important component for individuals participating in water sports.

Sail Africa pioneers the whole program with the school children. The program is designed to equip each learner with foundation skills in water sports. Learners will have the opportunity to explore the Durban harbour. Learners were handed certificates of attendance at the end of the program.

EMC will continue to share the knowledge and spearhead the maritime industry through sustainable growth and economic development in KwaZulu Natal.