EMC Youth Innovation Challenge: The second phase launch continues with three remaining schools.

The EThekwini Maritime Cluster (EMC) Training and Skills Development Unit has successfully launched the second round of the EMC Youth Innovation Challenge, continuing its mission to foster innovation and maritime awareness among the youth. On September 6, 2024, the second phase kicked off with three schools that had progressed from the first round: JG Zuma High School, Margot Fontaine High School, and Rydal Park Secondary School.

The EMC Youth Innovation Challenge, now in its second edition, aims to inspire young minds to think creatively and develop innovative solutions that address pressing challenges in the maritime sector. The challenge provides a platform for high school students to present their ideas and solutions, promoting a culture of research, problem-solving, and leadership among the youth.

Mr. Zondo, the EMC Skills and Training Coordinator, expressed his enthusiasm for the challenge’s progress and the calibre of talent displayed by the participants. He stated, “The Youth Innovation Challenge is an exciting journey that not only exposes young students to the maritime sector but also cultivates their skills in innovation and critical thinking. We are thrilled to see the creativity and passion that these young minds bring to the table, and we look forward to seeing how their ideas can shape the future of the maritime industry.”

JG Zuma High School, one of the schools participating in this phase, has been actively engaged in the challenge, with students demonstrating strong interest and commitment. Mr. M. Dlamuka, representing JG Zuma High School, shared his thoughts on their involvement: “Our students have shown great enthusiasm and dedication towards this challenge. They have embraced the opportunity to learn and contribute ideas that could have a significant impact on the maritime industry. We are proud of their achievements thus far and are confident that they will continue to excel.”

Adding a student’s perspective, one of the participants, a Grade 11 learner from Margot Fontaine Secondary School, expressed excitement about being part of the challenge: “Being part of the EMC Youth Innovation Challenge has been an incredible experience for us. It has pushed us to think beyond the ordinary and come up with innovative solutions. This challenge has opened our eyes to the possibilities within the maritime sector, and we are grateful for this opportunity.”

As the EMC Youth Innovation Challenge moves forward, the participating schools will continue to develop their projects and present them to a panel of industry experts. The challenge not only encourages innovation but also aims to create awareness of the opportunities within the maritime industry, inspiring the next generation of maritime leaders.

The EMC Training and Skills Development Unit Working closely with African Marine Solutions (AMSOL) remains committed to nurturing young talent and driving innovation within the sector. Stay tuned for more updates as the challenge unfolds and these young innovators showcase their ideas for a sustainable future in the maritime industry.

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